
Come, use my mind for a change.

I use metaphors to help my clients find and explore the great mental divide between what is and what can be. 

The epiphanies help us develop clear, compelling visions, smart strategies and practical communication tactics that empower their brands and enable them to achieve their marketing objectives. 

I am a holistic communications problem solver who explores, provokes and challenges the status quo with a gift for turning the sometimes-tedious process of developing integrated communication programs into a dynamic leadership, team and brand building experience that lays solid track for your team's future endeavors.

My Brand is Counter Culture Communications because operations and communications come together at the Service Counter. Or not.

Your service team is your Counter Culture. They support your operations by delivering on all of your operational customer facing advertising and communication promises. All that they say and do helps your customers believe that they have come to the right place, or the wrong place.

Your internal and customer facing Communications must be congruent with your operations to showcase your brand advantage(s). Cognitive dissonance is the barrier to increased brand loyalty. Not the competition.

I’m not a fan of ‘best practices’ because they just describe the most obvious path that most of the people follow.

Great people and great brands define their own paths and march to their own drums.