Measuring the success of an ad depends on the goal that you have set for your ad. Different goals require different metrics to evaluate the performance of your ad. Here are some common goals and metrics that you can use to measure the success of an ad:
These are some of the many ways that you can measure the success of an ad based on your brand's goals.
There are many other factors that can affect the success of an ad such as the quality, creativity, timing, and placement of your ad. You also need to consider the context and behavior of your audience and how they respond to your ad.
You can also use tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Ad Manager, or HubSpot to collect and analyze data about your ads and optimize them for better results.
You can also use that data to inform the design of surveys and focus groups to help refine the campaign effectiveness off and on line.
The most important lessons I learned from my time working with American Express and Oglivy & Mather Advertising.
I just saw this online - with no credits, and it reminded me of my father who was a Master Cabinet Maker in Germany before he and our family moved to Canada after WW2. He used to tell me stories about some of the clients that came to the family business in the early 1900s with their unrealistic design, delivery date and price expectations.
In Canada he managed the construction and subsequent maintenance of a dozen large office buildings in Toronto. He used to tell me stories about some of the clients that came to the construction company's head office with their unrealistic design, delivery date and price expectations.
While I spent my career in advertising, I ran into my share of those clients too. They didn't know much, but they all knew how to make any well thought out idea or campaign much "better", how to get the job to the finish line faster, and how do do it cheaper.
Clearly this studio has met one too many clients who know it all.
I love their polite response.