Good Work Takes Time

My Dad wanted to be a Master Cabinet Maker.

My father’s parents owned and operated a cabinet making business in Germany. Their work influenced his decision to become a Master Cabinet Maker. It took about eight years for him to be recognized as competent enough to do this kind of work. To do the relief carving you see here takes even longer – it’s a lifelong avocation.


When he came to Canada, after WW2, he had to reinvent himself, and did so by becoming a respected construction project manager.

I wanted to be a Business Project Manager.

His new profession influenced my desire to become a Business Project Manager. I went to Ryerson University for three years and apprenticed in the Advertising industry for about four years before I was given the kinds of roles and responsibilities that enabled me to become a respected Business Project Manager.

My son wanted to become a Large Aircraft Mechanic.

Ian's uncles were heavy equipment mechanics. They influenced his desire to become a large aircraft mechanic. Trade school, an apprenticeship and ongoing on-the-job-training have enabled him to achieve his goal. Elapsed time; 6 years and counting. 

Good work and craftmanship take time. You simply cannot “fake it it’ll you make it.” Especially when you’re servicing aircraft – like my son is.

I get antsy when I see Linked In “Top 10” lists, on how to become smarter, faster.

This one is a nice example of the latest top-10 iteration I’m seeing on social media.


This one promises to make you a better thinker in about 1½ hours. 


Wow . . . the path to eutopia has [finally] been found! 

If we all just take an hour a week, we can elevate humanity to the next level:

-  No more war.

-  No more hunger and grinding poverty.

-  No slavery.

A future filled with Peace, Love and Understanding can be ours.


But if 90-minute epiphanies really are possible, why is our world in such a mess?

Beware of the false prophets. Articles like those listed here might help frame your journey, but they are by no means a short-cut to wisdom.

I honestly wish they were.