When I started reading this recruitment ad I was intrigued.
As I read on I felt intimidated – do I really have what it takes?
Then I got to the desired skills section and laughed: where on earth does someone with “3+ years in an ad agency or other related service industry" assemble that kind of world-class portfolio of account management skills?
Almost every day I get lists like these. If I collected them all and tried to act on them I don’t think I’d get very far with my day. They remind me of my mother when I was a kid – telling me to wear clean underwear, an undershirt, appropriate cloths, sit up straight, chew my food twenty times, go straight to school, or bed, etc.
Her “lists” were part of her child training routine, not a replacement for it.
The lists I use today are SHORT and rank what projects we need to do.
Not how to do them. That’s the purview of training which I see less and less of today because everyone wants everything fast + cheap. So there's no time or financial margin left for training. I wish business leaders would wake up, return to basics and deep-six all these dumb lists.
They are not a substitute for, and a VERY poor supplement to, genuine training.
I’m very good at what I do because people took the time to train me, years of practice and my commitment to making the good better and the better best.
Not because of (how to do) lists.
Every other day, or night, I get a call from my local Duct Cleaning Service providers.
When the calls began a few years ago they came from India. I could tell because of the phone numbers, accents and names. Names like Krishna and Kamala.
Then everyone was sent back to school and had their accents adjusted and fed a few colloquial phrases. Soon after they were assigned a pseudonym and their calls were routed through a 416-exchange.
Somewhere out there, there are a bunch of disturbed call center owners + operators that are assuring their clients that these new “call localization” strategies are responsible double digit sales increases. Their key presentation slide might look something like this:
Tactics + Response rate
India Calling 1/ 1000
416 Calling 2 / 1000
416+Pseudonym 4 / 1000
Clearly things can only get better.
I don’t think so. I think that the duct cleaning campaigns demonstrate that some ideas are just bad ideas that need to stay in the box.
That when you try to refine a bad idea you do more harm than good.
The increase in Duct Cleaning sales may serve a few lucky little businesses but they have tarred the medium with the brush of illegitimacy.
Hold on.
I need to take this call.
Hey I’ve just won three free nights in Wawa!
This is an excerpt from a letter to one of my clients.
I’m posting it because I’ve written this memo or presented this argument at least 100 times in my career. So from now on I’ll just link to this blog post.
Dear all,
Thank-you for your negative response to my creative recommendations.
I cannot think of a better way to demonstrate why I believe that we MUST always ask our clients to approve each creative brief before we begin work on their projects. If we don’t we’re just playing pin the tail on the donkey. This includes work you do for your agency too.
Next steps:
As usual,
Frank by name + nature.
Smart doesn’t always look smart, but Smart laughs all the way to the bank.
On my travels I see a lot of stores that really don’t get it.
This one does.
When I first saw this store I shook my head in dismay. Then I realized what I was looking at. It does a wonderful job of supporting its customer promise: “We Buy – Sell – Trade anything used.”
The storefront also tells me that this is not your average store and that IF you want to enjoy your visit, you had better park all of your retail “best practice” preconceptions – except maybe most of them:
Very smart.