Bring your brand to life

FW-Social-1When I was a kid our family’s last name was the only “Wehrmann” in the Toronto phone book. Whenever we traveled I’d look for the Wehrmann name in the local phone book.

I never found any until I went to Germany.

Today I can jump on Linked in™ and Facebook™ and find lots of people with my last name as well as many with my first name too - which is a great way to think about both personal + corporate branding.

Each Frank Wehrmann that you’ll encounter in life will likely be a white Anglo-Saxon male who utilizes German + English as his primary + second languages + vice-versa. He comes in all sorts of shapes + sizes, along with blonde or brown hair . . . in his younger years.  

And that’s about where the common denominators end.

Because there is only one Frank Wehrmann with 40 years of international media buying + planning + account service + creative service advertising agency experience. There’s only one who works out of Toronto + who has worked with many of the world’s top ad agencies + brands.

The previous paragraph is the foundation for my professional USP. It allows me to set myself apart from all of the other Frank Wehrmann’s out there - as well as all other ad agency practitioners. 

Note that it’s not just one specific thing that sets me apart, but a combination of many applicable (advertising business related) attributes. I can draw on many other experiences to demonstrate interest in + knowledge about all sorts of (advertising) stuff to further differentiate myself from all of the other Franks and Wehrmanns of the world. 

Pulling a brand’s USP together + bringing it to life requires a similar foundation to build future brand propositions + messaging around. The greater + more dynamic the brand character’s depth + breadth, the better. 

For a brand to engage a person the unique qualities need to come to life in ways that are meaningful intellectually + emotionally. 

The practical side of the equation needs to satisfy the logical Head that asks questions like; “do I really need that?”, “does this represent good value?” or “does this help me get to where I want to go today, or in life?

The emotional side needs to give the “Heart” permission to believe that this product or service will help to refine my identity + contribute to my story in an emotionally compelling way.





Domestic Violence





Mental Health








Disruptive technology + innovation

Gutenberg Bible

Johann Gutenberg (ca. 1400 – 1468) introduced movable type to Western Europe and revolutionized printing, books and communications. In 1455 in Mainz, Germany he published 180 copies of the Biblia Sacra, St. Jerome’s 4th century Latin Bible. Out of this printing revolution emerged the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Scientific Revolutions. In the 50 years that followed its publication, hundreds of presses emerged across Europe, printing millions of books.

  • The Gutenberg Bible was printed using black ink. The colour illuminations were added by hand after each page had been printed.  
  • To produce 180 copies of the 1,282 page bible 230,760 passes of the press were required; about two years work.
  • The average scribe produced one Bible every three years.
  • Gutenberg’s typeface mimicked the formal book hand used by scribes of the period.

Of the 180 copies printed, about 50 are known to survive and 21 are complete. This copy of the Gutenberg Bible, printed on velum, was purchased by the Library of Congress in 1930.