The strategic use of colour


This piece of Diablo sandpaper (made in Switzerland) is a WONDERFUL example of the strategic use of one colour to defend their brand position.

Diablo uses the colour red to distance the brand far away from all the other brown (wood) and grey (metal) sand-paper options out there (mostly from China).

The brand also uses the same red for all their cutting tools - making it easy for users to connect “the dots” and to help reinforce brand loyalty: it quickly sorts the world into two piles: a small one with the correct red Diablo parts in it, and a very large one with everything else in the world in it.

Simple + brilliant.



Trump brand value survey


Suppose for a moment that the (Donald) Trump brand had been worth $100 before he entered politics. Knowing what you know now, what do you think this brand is worth today?



Suppose for a moment that the (Donald) Trump brand had been worth $100 before he entered politics. Knowing what you know now, what do you think this brand would sell for today?



Suppose for a moment that the (Donald) Trump brand had been worth $100 before he entered politics. Knowing what you know now, how much would you lend this brand today? 

You can send your answers to me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Death Notice

A friend our ours just died of cancer.

He didn’t want a funeral because, while he behaved like and extrovert in the work-place, he was actually a pretty private guy and firmly believed that no-one would want to come to his wake or funeral. In hindsight he wasn’t “wrong” – he was humble and didn’t want any one to go out of their way for him – even in death. Pretty amazing.

In the months and then weeks leading up to his death, nothing his wife said could convince him to change his position on the matter.

Enter a false rumor – that he had passed away.

The phone rang off the hook until the report of his demise (and apparent resurrection), were corrected by him when he answered the phone. He realized that many, many people really did care.

The experience softened his opinion on the matter and convinced his wife how important both the wake and funeral would be for all his friends and family.

Given the right reason, most folks will change their point of view.

Good communication specialists find the little difference that can make all the difference and leverage it for all it’s worth. 



Data maps


I love this light map of the U.S. because it’s a great example of how meta-data can affect how you approach business and life. For example: there are lots of places to go if you love light and there are still lots of empty spaces to go if you love the dark. Maps like these are available for anything you can think of: soy-milk consumption, horse-hoof files – you name it. The data to create informative maps like these are there. When you lay a bunch of different maps on-top of each other, big data quickly becomes small and laser focused. For example: if you overlay snow-belt, low-population, Ford ½ ton truck drivers, conservative voters and HHI +$60M, you'll have a detailed map showing you where to focus your "Proudly Made In America" Snow Plow Attachments".

Data like this can really help your team rank opportunity quickly. 



Does blogging have a positive ROI?

I’ve been blogging since 2008 – usually once a week. My Google analytics suggest that I have a small, loyal, unsolicited following. There is no direct or obvious ROI in this blog.

Q: so what’s the point if my blog is more like a diary than a published work?

A: practice, not popularity, makes the master.

On one of my walking routes I encounter an old Chinese woman who does her Tai Chi routine alone and in silence every morning. No one greets her, or interrupts her to tell her how well she’s doing. I doubt that she’d hear them or care.

She’s a study of meditation in motion. Incredibly graceful, focused + precise. A master immersed in the moment.

I confuse many I work with by appearing to have an answer for everything. My guess is that if they stick with it for 35 more years they’ll know more and have even better solutions than I have now.

Blogging is one of the mental exercises I use to hone my communication skills.

It forces me to think clearly + succinctly. And that affects everything else I do. 

And just by watching, others will become inspired to write, do Tai Chi, or follow their heart down a new, unknown path.